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  1. In accordance with the tasks conferred to it under article 8, point b), of the law of 12 July 2014 on the coordination and governance of public finances, as amended (law of 12 July 2014, as amended), the National Council of Public Finance (CNFP) presents its assessment of the accuracy of forecast of macroeconomic and budgetary data.

  2. In application of the tasks conferred to it under the 12 July 2014 law on the coordination and governance of public finances (12 July 2014 law), the National Council of Public Finance (CNFP) presents in this document its assessment of the long-term sustainability of public finances in the face of a projected increase in age-related expenditures.

  3. The Medium-Term Objective (MTO) is one of the cornerstones of the national and European fiscal governance framework. More specifically, the level of the MTO is supposed to be reviewed for a new 3-year period (2017-2019) in the context of the upcoming update of the Stability and Growth Programme of the Government by the end of April.

  4. On 9th June 2015, the Chairman of the CNFP, Mr Romain Bausch, presented the first report on public finances to the members of Conseil économique et social (CES). The CES is a national body regrouping representatives from social partners as well as the government in which notably substantive consultations have taken place during the European Semester.

  5. The National Council of Public Finance ("CNFP") announces the appointment of Nima Ahmadzadeh as its Secretary General.

  6. The National Council of Public Finance ('CNFP') has been created by the law of 12 July 2014 on the coordination and governance of public finances. The creation of the CNFP falls within the context of setting up independent monitoring institutions at the national level as result of the reformed economic governance framework in Europe.

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